Handcrafted necklaces containing precious seeds. Break in case of _________.

Not just necklaces
Our seed necklaces are one of a kind. Carrying a mix of real organic, heirloom, and wildflower seeds encased in handblown glass orbs, these delicate necklaces carry the basic building blocks to sustain life. Seeds represent the fundamental and fragile balance of our own lives and the environment we call home.
What makes our seed necklaces unique?
Full of meaningfully rich seeds
Filled with a versatile mix of heirloom, organic, and wildflower seeds, each necklace represents a different perspective
Thoughtfully designed
Beautiful and elegant, our design forward necklaces are made locally in Brooklyn, New York
We live our values
We buy our seeds from pre-vetted, small scale non GMO farms because we believe that the source is just as important as the end result

Why Seeds?
Lily created Encase in response to disrupted ecosystems and dwindling seed biodiversity. While they are small, they are some of the most precious materials on earth. They are our anchors to the future. They deserve reverence, intimacy, and care. Through protecting seeds, we are protecting biodiversity. And by maintaining these heirloom and wild seeds we are making sure our future is as rich as our present.